Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Question 205

It's a slow night.  (We work.  We can't do it ALL the time.)

Time to reach into my bag of tricks and answer another question from The Book of Questions: Love and Sex.  I like things that make me think.  And this one really caught my eye.

Question 205:   What is the most unpleasant sexual experience you can recall?  In what ways do you think this experience has had a positive influence on your life?  a negative influence?

I suppose I'm lucky.  I don't really have a lot of negative sexual experiences.  I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I don't just sleep with anyone.  I'm reasonably selective.  There have been lots of guys that I could have slept with and didn't.

What I discovered early on was that the experiences I regretted were the ones that I didn't really intend to happen.  It wasn't that I would consider these situations to be those akin to date rape.  It's more like I was too shy to say 'no.'  I was too worried about being liked to protest.  And in those situations, the guys didn't really care if I was enjoying myself.

So, I learned to pick my partners better.  I learned to be a better lover so that the men I was with were better lovers as well.  I learned to speak up more.  I learned to say 'no.'  And now, with my man, I've become even more vocal.  I've learned to share what I like and what I want.  It makes a world of difference.

Okay, I fessed up.  Now your turn.

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